VoiceThread Docs / Universal / Viewing / Listening to and viewing comments

General navigation

When you first open a VoiceThread slide, the slide media and all comments on that slide will be displayed. Click here to learn more about getting around in a VoiceThread.

To play an individual comment, click on “Expand comment”. If this is an audio or video comment, the button to play the media will be displayed below the comment’s time stamp.

screenshot universal-play-comment.png

Transcripts and captions

If the comment contains closed captions or a transcript, an option to “Show audio transcript” will appear below the audio or video player. This will expand the accessible transcript on screen.

Adjusting playback speed

VoiceThreads can be played as slowly as 0.5x and as quickly as 4x. Click on the “Speed” button beneath and select your desired speed from the menu.

Screenshot universal-playback-speed.png